Best 10 Home Automation Mistakes To Avoid in Home
Home automation is the next best thing that has captivated us for quite some time now. We can’t seem to stop thinking about it. It is there no matter where we go. All our friends and family can talk about it is smart home only and good we two will be together. We kind of like the thought of it on paper. But in reality, we don’t know what the future has in store for us.
So, what should we do? Should we just give it and make the impulse purchase? Or, maybe we can think about it a bit before moving ahead. We don’t want to repeat what happened with the last impulse we got ourselves into. It took a toll on our mental peace and calm but today, we are stronger because of that.
Home Automation And You
There is just so many appliances and devices nowadays on the market. The overwhelming number of options have got us into trouble before too. We got ourselves into that anxiety-inducing speed automation before and we are still reeling from that experience. Maybe this time, you can get to know the device first. And then get into this long-term automation. Till then, it will be better for both us to make a checklist, a genuine one.
This checklist can cover all the features which we are looking for in our future automation partner. We can mull over it and take our time while flipping through the best Z-wave controllers reviews. Because every single moment spent addressing our doubts and aspirations now will save us from a messy and expensive switch later on. And we have had plenty of smart devices to make the same mistake all over again, time after time.
Home Automation Mistakes: Stop Making It Your Pattern
1. Too Much Too Soon
When you have been late to the automation game then you would want to smarten up your home overnight. It might be possible to do that but then your home itself might start mocking you! Sometimes, you need to take it slow and steady with the new technology so that you can understand it better over time and incorporate it into our lives to improve your overall quality of life. And you will be able to do this only when you gradually progress with the smart home automation process.
Most of the times, if you follow this fast and furious approach, you might end up with highly sophisticated devices that will seem totally out of place when you look into your daily schedule. You will realize that in the process of catching up, you have forgotten to get the device that might have actually helped you with your daily chores and home maintenance. And, in place of it, you just have an over expensive shiny thing to show for that will be used only once in a blue moon by you.
2. Hesitant to Ask For Help
All the brands promote their smart home systems at the DIY kits only today. This is true for a majority of these devices. But with some devices, you do need additional help. And if you are about to install your first smart home system then you definitely should get the professional help when you get the feeling that you are stuck. This will help you form not making a mess out of your latest buy. And then purchasing the same order online because you are too embarrassed to tell the reason of these consecutive purchases.
Once you get a hand on how to install and operate these devices then only you should try your hand at making the next installation all by yourself. The final goal should be to make your home self-sufficient and cozy. There is no need to make the device installation process your personal Everest. We have the real Everest for that. Climb on it and make history whenever you get that uncontrollable urge to install the system all by yourself the next time!
3. No Concrete Plan
Researching before making the purchase is not as common among people as it should be. And that is why our impulse buys end up being stored for eternity in the basement like our hostage! You don’t want to do that with your money. Let your money be put to better use where you actually get to reap the benefits of your investment for many more years to come. And you will be able to do so only and only if you start with a proper plan before investing in a durable smart gadget.
Window shopping is your best friend in this case. You can browse online and even in the respective outlets. All this effort will help you to make up your mind. And you will finally be able to decide what kind of device you are actually looking for. The answer will often surprise you. You can take some suggestion from few electricians and current users that have enough exposure to the kind of devices you are planning to purchase.
4. Device Integration Options
If all of your smart devices belong to the same brand than you might face no trouble at the moment. However, when you wish to expand in the future then you may or may not find your current network all that suitable for making any new additions. And that is why it is advisable to get the smart devices that are compatible with a variety of other brands. It is always better to get the Z-wave devices. They are compatible with various other technologies too.
And you will face no problem whatsoever in upgrading and integrate them with another kind of devices in the future. Though, you might want to check all the technologies and devices that it supports. This way, you will be able to steadily create your smart home empire that can be conveniently expanded to limitless horizons in the future.
5. Avoiding Your Requirements
Before making any kind of smart home purchase, focus more on your daily schedule. Then factor in the daily requirements of your family members too and finally make a list of features that will be most in use when installing at your place. This smart device purchase will be considered a perfect fit for your home if you and your family use it as much as you initially hoped them to. And then and then only you can get to the treasure map of smart home automation!
Resist the urge of buying the latest and the flashiest of the devices that the market has to offer. If it actually fits into your list of requirements then, by all means, go for it. Else, pretend that it is ‘disguised Brussel sprouts’ and you will be over it in no time! You can have you actual dessert in the form of the right kind of gadget that you and your whole family actually needs. It will taste just as sweet, eventually!
6. Giving Into the Fad
We all crave the latest and the brightest of the devices that have just been launched in the market. Or, that is how we think. Actually, the first release is where you find tons of errors and bug reports. And then you will just have to brave a smile and pretend that you actually like your over-priced incompetent metal box. Pretty grim, isn’t it?
So, why don’t you go for the most stable release from now on and actually save a good amount of money while making this wise decision? You will still be in contact with the latest technology minus the constant errors. And no more pretending that you really like it. You would actually do. Sensible pricing and smooth functioning, what is not to love?
7. Investing Too Much in the Wrong Brand
Every now and then we come across the ‘one hit wonders’. They can be a singer, actor or even a smart home automation brand. They seem all appealing at first but somehow their next project turns out to be dud. And their hold on us fades away, just like that. So, never make a huge home automation investment based on a single device.
You need to examine the performance a whole lot more before you commit to the home automation upgrade that is supposed to last you conveniently over the next few decades. And you will be able to do so without any hiccups if you just follow the golden rule. Consistent performance over flashes of excellence. Pick the brands that you or your friends have personally used and have had a good experience with.
8. Electrician Over the Expert Advice
We can have a billion dollar company offering us free technical support round the clock. But still, the local electrician will sound more sensible to us. That is just human nature. We prefer traditional ignorance over modern wisdom. There is something so comforting about it to us! But, if you want to make good use of your smart device then don’t try this at your new smart home for sure. It is safe to be performed only under misguided suggestions!
If you have just got a brand new smart home theatre system then do a favor on it. And don’t let your family doctor or electrician try to configure it. If they have been using one themselves or have good experience in the exact scenario then you can still think about it. Else, get the technical help from the brand itself.
Most of the times, if within the warranty period, you are entitled to free repairs under certain conditions. Else, you will still be saving money if you pick paying a nominal fee for making your latest smart home addition a showpiece that stopped working after your local electrician got too innovative with it.
9. Poor Coordination with Home Automation Designer
You may or may not know about the concept of a home automation designer. If you have ever got a large scale automation done at your home or office then you might be familiar with it. Basically, they let you pick the right kind of gadgets after careful analysis of your requirements. And it will be better if you buy them within a suitable amount of time. You do not want to wait too long else you will have to get a re-analysis done.
In a home, new elements are introduced every day. It can be a new habit, new window or even a new member! So you don’t want to use the same home automation suggestions as before. This might not lead to a fruitful situation where you actually end up being content with your latest home automation setup.
10. Complicating the Setup
We, humans, love to take our sweet time with any recent change made in our life. Same is the case with new technological implementations. In a smart home, if you just stick to a very strict layout, you might start feeling a bit trapped in it. So make sure that you keep this new upgrade as the better option but not the only option. This way, you will be able to appreciate how the home automation can make the same task better and simple.
And this way you won’t get the feeling that you have been suddenly picked from your familiar and a bit outdated galaxy into a new and shiny one. This new place where you don’t know anyone and you are already missing your mommy! Let your system crave that new technology enough so that when you finally get it, you can appreciate and admire it patiently.
One of the biggest mistake in terms of smart home automation is still not getting one. You can either be dismissive of this new wave of technology and sulk away in the corner. Or, you can join the party and enjoy the latest and the best that technology has to offer you. And unlike mafia, you can leave it anytime you want too and not pay with your life for it (unless you are careless)!
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